Seborrheic Keratosis

Identifying the Symptoms & How To Treat This Skin Condition

At Dermalure, we proudly provide a wide variety of highly-effective skincare products related to keratolytic therapy, known as the treatment of warts and other skin growths. These treatments are proven to work on a number of different conditions, one of these being seborrheic keratosis.

 What Is Seborrheic Keratosis?

Seborrheic keratosis is a common, noncancerous skin growth that can frequently appear on older adults. Seborrheic keratosis usually starts out as a small, rough area and can end up looking like warts, moles, or even skin cancer. Despite its similarity to melanoma, it’s not actually cancerous and won’t cause any detrimental effects that aren’t cosmetic.

Symptoms of Seborrheic Keratosis

Some of the symptoms of seborrheic keratosis include the following:

  • Seborrheic keratosis can range in size from a small fraction of an inch to over an inch.
  • They’re usually round or oval shaped.
  • They’re flat or slightly elevated and have a scaly surface.
  • It varies in color from white to black, though most are tan or brown.
  • They can be found anywhere on the body, but they most commonly appear on the chest, shoulders, and back.

Who Is at Risk?

Typically, the people who are at risk for seborrheic keratosis fall into one of these groups:

  • They are older or at least middle-aged. The likelihood of getting seborrheic keratosis increases as a person ages.
  • There is a history of seborrheic keratosis in the family.
  • They spend a lot of time out in the sun and leave their skin exposed.

When Should You See a Doctor?

It’s best to see a doctor if:

  • A growth bleeds or is irritated from when your clothing rubs against them.
  • The growth is an unnatural color such as purple or blue.
  • Many growths develop over a short period of time.
  • There’s only one growth (this condition usually causes several growths).
  • An existing growth changes in appearance.

Contact Dermalure Today!

While seborrheic keratosis is mainly a cosmetic issue and doesn’t pose any real dangers, removing this skin growth is still a viable and often preferred option. At Dermalure, we provide keratolytic therapy, such as glycolic acid, in order to treat this condition. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us online or at (877) 336-4652. We hope to hear from you soon!

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